Select Photo Services

Santas Grotto Photography





Christmas is a very magical time of year and the annual visit to Santa's Grotto wouldn't be complete without the very special photo with Father Christmas himself!

We have many years experience in this field providing a range of Santa Grotto photo solutions at a variety of sites. We know first-hand that this magical time of year needs special care and attention to ensure your guests enjoy the very best experience at your location. We aim to improve the workflow and overall customer experience during the festive period.

What we do...

We are keen to make as little disruption as possible to the flow of guests through your Santa Grotto experience to see Father Christmas! We will situate a photo sales desk somewhere nearby the Grotto exit so that photos can be viewed instantly on our screens with no processing delay. Enough viewing screens and sales desks can be setup to suit your grotto size, number of grottos on site and visitor capacity. 


How it works...

Our grotto photography can either be done with a photographer in the grotto with Father Christmas and the families or a strategically placed camera operated by Santa with a trigger. This is great if there isn't space for a photographer inside. The photos transfer either wirelessly or hidden cable from inside the grottos out to the desk so there's no movement from the photographer to the sales desk. The photos will already been on the display when the guests exit the grotto and they can be choosing their products while the next family are enjoying their experience.



We help you...

The prints we supply instantly onsite at your grotto can be branded with your event, venue or location name/logos etc. Our quick workflow means people aren't waiting for their photos and nothing gets put online, it's all done onsite. We provide our own cameras, printing, viewing and payment systems. Meaning you can just operate your grotto with your own Santa with no disruption. We can offer pre-paid solutions to our grotto business holders or have your customers pay on the day per print, whichever suits your business.